About the Addie Brady Foundation
The Addie Brady Foundation aims to raise awareness, provide further funding and research in to LFS and help implement better screening programs and treatments for families affected by LFS.
The Addie Brady Foundation was launched on the 8th November 2018 by Addie’s parents, Tara and Michelle Brady. Addie died from an aggressive brain tumour (Anaplastic Astrocytoma) on the 1st February 2018, she was just 16 years old. This was Addie’s second cancer diagnosis, previously recovering from bone cancer at the age of 9. Following genetic testing, it was revealed Addie had a genetic mutation, usually an inherited familial predisposition to a wide range of certain, often rare cancers.
Watching their young daughter suffer, particularly in the final few months of her short life was heart breaking. All treatments available had been exhausted and they could only provide comfort and support to their young daughter to try and ease the brutal symptoms of brain cancer.
“Addie never once complained and always maintained a strong ‘Lionheart’ to the end”
Addie was an inspiration to many and the foundation is determined to do something good in her name. Access to new treatments is sporadic and filled with many unnecessary obstacles. Treatments are harsh and have devastating side effects. This needs to change. The foundation aims to fund much needed research in to high grade paediatric brain tumours with the hope of finding better treatments and improve survival rates of those diagnosed with brain cancer.
Brain cancer is the most common cancer for under 40 year olds however, it currently only receives 1% of the Government’s Cancer Budget.
Furthermore, the foundation aims to raise awareness, provide further funding and research in to LFS and help implement better screening programs and treatments for families affected by LFS.